You shall be called the Repairers of the Breach,
the Restorers of Streets to dwell In.

Isaiah 58:12


The Remnant United is a Christian outreach ordained by God to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to the homeless, incarcerated, and brokenhearted. The Remnant United is established to bridge the gap between church and the community according to the prophetic word of Isaiah 58:12, And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of the Streets to Dwell in. The Remnant United operates 100% in the community, providing resources to those in need. All are welcome to participate in our outreach programs and services at MUST Ministries, Atlanta Union Mission, Atlanta Metro Re-Entry Facility (limiter personnel), and everywhere the Lord leads us. Our online Bible Study is held every Tuesday night at 8pm. Join us as we put our hands to the plow and live out the Great Commission in making disciples! 

Latest TRU-Talk Encouragement

Did you miss last Tuesday’s TRU-Talk Live? Maybe you want to enjoy the experience again or pass it along to someone who needs to hear it! Click this video to watch last week’s TRU Talk. Click below for a written summary of Tuesday’s TRU Talk. 

Current Service Times

TRU-TALK Tuesdays

Live Bible Study
8:00pm - 9:00pm
Click HERE to join us!

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